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Southeast Heath Group Acute Treatment Unit Open, Serving Clients

Southeast Health Group recently opened a six-bed Acute Treatment Unit which will provide short-term inpatient care to individuals 18 and over who are at immediate risk of harming themselves or others due to behavioral health concerns.

“We have seen an increased need for inpatient services in Southeast Colorado,” Terrie Leonard, SHG Crisis Director, said. “The ATU offers a high level of care to patients who are in need of psychiatric support, but don’t require inpatient hospitalization.”

Leonard explained that patients in need of this level of care would be assessed by the SHG crisis team, who would evaluate them and determine medical necessity. Examples of medical necessity would include a person at current risk of harming themselves, actively planning to harm others, or unable to care for themselves due to behavioral health concerns. Often our crisis team, along with the Colorado Crisis Line, can offer support and referrals to individuals who are then able to remain in their home and community with a wellness plan in place for additional care and services, this allows individuals to remain safe and as independent as possible with the right help at the right time.

“It is exciting to add the ATU to our agency; we pride ourselves on offering a variety of care levels, and this is the additional layer our community needed,” Leonard said.

SHG followed many similar models in the state when setting up their ATU, adding it to the services offered at the Regional Assessment Center. The ATU adjoins the previously existing building at 721 Barnes Avenue in La Junta.

For more information on the ATU, call SHG at 800-511-5446, or contact Leonard directly at


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